
Smart4Fabry & Rare diseases day 2018

Smart4Fabry project has been widely communicated during the last Rare Diseases Day (20/02/2018). Several actions have been taken, from contact with patients (Dr. Ibane Abasolo, Vall d Hebron Hospital) to press releases at national level. This effort has had impact in several mass media, with...

SMART4FABRY III General Assembly

III General Assembly of Smart4Fabry project was held at Biopraxis Premises in Bilbao (Spain) from February 8th to 9th. All the Work Packages s have been reviewed, and critical steps for the future work have been defined. Additionally, a web based managing tool has been also...

ETPN 2017

Our project coordinator, Dr. Nora Ventosa, presented the Smart4Fabry project at ETPN 2017. ETPN2017 has been the unique place to discover, to meet, to network, to prepare new projects, to brainstorm about Nanomedicine and its industrial expansion,  all in a cool and friendly atmosphere. Among the...

Smart4Fabry Project presented at ICONAN 2017

ICONAN 2017 (International Conference On Nanomedicine And Nanobiotechnology) is an annual event that hosts high-profile plenary speakers, world-class researchers, oral and poster presentations, workshops, sponsor exhibits and afterworks. Our colleague Solene Passemard, from ICMAB-CSIC, presented Smart4Fabry project to a selected audience of scientist and technologists on...

A morning on Nanomedicine

Following the II General Meeting, the first Samrt4Fabry Workshop was held in the facilities of Technion, Haifa (Israel). This workshop covered different interesting Topics regarding Theragnostics, nature mimicking and nano targeted drug delivery . Presentations were made by world class level scientists as Prof. Barenholz, Prof...

II General Meeting

General Meeting of the Smart-4-Fabry Project was held in the facilities of Technion, Haifa (Israel), from the 3th to the 5th July 2017. This meeting has been crucial to define the pathway to be followed by the project partners for the next months, with important...

Smart4Fabry partners

Smart4Fabry partners (CIBER- BBN, BIONANONET and BIOPRAXIS) presented during the CLINAM 2017 summit from the 7 to the 10th May of 2017 their results, with two posters and a small-speech. Assistència per part dels grups CIBER-BBN, Bionanonet I Biopraxis al congress CLINAM.    ...

Everything is nano

Wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, dass unsere Welt immer kleiner wird, liegen Sie gar nicht so falsch. Nanotechnik wird in immer mehr Bereichen unseres Lebens eingesetzt. Das Forschungsteam der BioNanoNet GmbH sorgt dabei für Sicherheit. Das Wort „Nano“ kommt aus dem Griechischen und ist eine grobe...