Smart4Fabry partners from CIBER-VHIR, led by Dr. Ibane Abasolo, had a relevant presence at WORLDSymposium, held in Orlando, Florida, 4-8 February 2019. WORLD (We are Organizing Research on Lysosomal Diseases) Symposium is one of the most important events related to Lysososomal Diseases, like Fabry, at an international level. The goal of WORLDSymposium is to provide an interdisciplinary forum to explore and discuss specific areas of interest, research and clinical applicability related to lysosomal diseases. Each year, WORLDSymposium hosts a scientific meeting presenting the latest information from basic science, translational research, and clinical trials for lysosomal diseases. Our approach for an innovative treatment was presented as an oral communication and as a poster, increasing impact and visibility. It is worthy to mention that it was the only communication related to the application of nanomedicine to lysosomal storage diseases, showing the high innovation potential that Smart4Fabry posses.